Bulk download AI SYOUJYO Release (97 files) > Download This file can be loaded in Honey Select 2 studio. Yep, you do.or download as always the Flashbangz version, link avaliable on this thread a few pages back. However, there are some items that will not show up unless you install AI SYOUJYO.
Mind that to have the possibility to activate the second girl the first time, you need to have met certain requirements with the first (must be in lewd or love state, etc.).Īgain, you'll have Party running nice and smooth, and in English, in the flashbangz version. Otherwise can't help you bud.Īs for any other amateur modder, they're scattered on his own site (Japanese) and on hongfire, haven't found a full pack. The main objective of the game is to unlock the games achievements. I guess only by activating controls of LRE itself: if you do know how to activate LRE controls in the character editor, please tell me! haven't found a single bloody info on how to make that thing work in the Character editor. tutorial honey select how to use character editor.
It strives to provide extremely customizable character building that allows you to make. 3d7zip download eroge guida guide honey program tutorial howtouse honeyselectvideotutorial honeyselectstudio illusiongame charactereditor linguaita languageengselect. You can always click on 'image' instead on 'normal' at the bottom of the control panel down left of course.